Enter your area's pincode number and check at your nearest Vaccine Center

 Enter your area's pincode number and check at your nearest Vaccine Center



Enter your area's pincode number and check at your nearest Vaccine Center



Follow these steps to get the information of the nearest vaccination center through WhatsApp • First save +919013151515 in your phone. • Now go to WhatsApp chat and type Namaste, hello or hi. The chatbot will then respond. The chatbot will ask for your 6 digit pincode. Type it and press Enter. ર After entering, you will get the information of your nearest vaccination center. It will contain information on government and private vaccination centers. • Also know how many slots are vacant for which edge group. ટ Chatbot will also send you a registration link to book an appointment. If you do not want to save the number in WhatsApp to get information through chatbot then wa.me/919013151515 This website can connect with due direct chatbot. In this chatbot with the vaccination center, updates, information including professional advice to increase immunity, measures to reduce the risk of corona virus can be obtained.

Enter your area's pincode number and check at your nearest Vaccine Center.

 It will also show information on how many slots are vacant at which center on which date.

 Information of new feature launched on whatsapp by the government

Apeksha Mardiya, who is studying in the second year of MBBS at Government Medical College, Rajkot, was assigned to Kovid Hospital at Samaras Hostel, run by the Gujarat government.  As a medical college student, tasks such as administering medicine to a patient, measuring oxygen, observing patients, helping a patient shift, etc. were assigned to the expectation.

A tragic event happened in Apeksha's family.  Her father died on April 6.  While still recovering from the trauma of her father's death, on April 10, her mother was also killed by a black corona.  In the absence of parents in the family of 4 people, originally from Manavadar and now living in Rajkot, the responsibility of the family fell on the 20-year-old daughter along with her brother who was studying in 10th standard.

Even after losing her parents, the daughter returned to her duties.  Mr. Charansinh Gohil, the officer on duty, allowed his daughter to stay at home if she wanted to stay at home but she refused to stay at home and joined her duty and started treating coronary patients.

When Apeksha was asked why such a tragic incident took place at home, why did you come back to duty?  No one even told you to return to duty.  The daughter replies, 'No one else like me has to lose the umbrella of parents, so I have started treating patients with coronary heart disease.  I don't think there's a better way to pay tribute to my parents than this.  When a young sister in a Samaras hostel needed a ventilator, I was given the responsibility to shift her to Civil, so I shifted her to Civil in the shortest possible time and she survived.  By saving people's lives, I will be instrumental in bringing peace to my Father's soul. '

He is expected to become a doctor in 3 years, but he is still the best doctor today.

Enter your area's pincode number and check at your nearest Vaccine Center Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PRAVIN VANKAR